Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Dream of the Future Maybe?

I saw you last night, in my dreams -
Those wonderful images and visions that run free through our minds
When we close our eyes

With a tall, slim body and short dark hair
I do not remember your eyes
But your smile was clear, long, strong and welcoming
You stood close beside me
And without hesitation or doubt
Encircled one arm around my waist
We smiled for the camera, glasses raised
As I noticed the comfort I felt from your embrace

We fell to the floor laughing
You dressed in a good fine well fitted suit, but no tie
I do not like ties -
There is something about the contours of a mans neck
The lines of his throat that I like to see, unhidden

Unconcerned with our surroundings
We lay there and giggled like two childlike teenagers
Self consciousness no where to be found in that moment

Then we were standing
A pause in the silence
I needed to go
A child, a blonde haired, blue eyed girl
Needed help finding her way back home
I took her hand
And towards the horizon we walked
We wandered calmly, unsure but not lost
Then out from behind a mirage of a building
You appeared again
With an aura of tranquillity around you, smiling
Your hand entwining itself with mine
We walked, no words spoken
But much being said within the depth, the beauty of the peace
And the little girl skipped ahead
Chasing butterflies and singing